Friday 10 October 2014


Tuesday 7th October
A big travel day today with 3 flights to make it to Varna, Bulgaria.
l flew via Berlin (it was either that or Russia or Ukraine!) and it wasn't until l was going through immigration that I realised that I was leaving the Schengen area for the last time (and lucky I play by the rules because they went through my whole passport checking all the dates I've come and gone). Those Germans certainly are thorough, I also had my first security pat down of the trip.

Arriving in Bulgaria, I am staying with an old work colleague of Dad's, Damien and his family (Stella, Laurence and Danny). A nice short holiday from my travelling, l won't be doing much at all!

Wednesday 8th October
After a sleep in, it was off for a massage and coffee before a late lunch with Damien.

Thursday 9th October
Another relaxing morning (Damien downloaded some episodes of Revenge onto my tablet... the novelty of tv!) We went out to a traditional little place for lunch (yummy chicken soup).

Friday 10th October
In the afternoon Damien and I headed out to get some lunch and he showed me around the central area of Varna. There's not a lot to it and they are refurbishing it at the moment but we saw the Cathedral and the 'CBD'.

Saturday 11th October
After breakfast Damien and I took Lawrence out to the 'Sea Garden' where they have a whole lot of kids rides set up. Then it was back for lunch before I was off to the airport.

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