Tuesday 4 November 2014

London... again

Tuesday 28th October
A very early start this morning to fly back to London one last time. Had a pretty good flight (4hrs meant entertainment!). Through the British questioning again and I made it into the city. Didn't realise it was school holidays though, my god it is busy! I met up with Jus & Dom for a late lunch and made my way to Abbey & Jonathan's new place in Balham to meet them. They were actually moving in today so after dinner with Abs, we all got settled in their unit.

Christmas had arrived while I've been in Turkey, with decorations staying to go up everywhere. Have to say that I am excited for Christmas this year, not having to fall with any of the usual stresses that working in retail brings!

Wednesday 29th October
Abs took the day of work today so we started with brunch at their new local cafe. We had tickets to the matinee of Book of Mormon which was great. Definitely what they warn (inappropriate and offensive) but it's done in such a light hearted way that it is hilarious. Couldn't believe it, we had had mocktails at TGI Fridays before heading to the theatre and who should we see waiting for tickets bit Susan from my Turkish tour! Who said Loddon was a big city?

After the show we did a little bit of shopping (I need to start picking up warmer clothes!) and met Jonathan for dinner.

Thursday 30th October
The only plans I've made for this trip toLondon is to try and catch up Ruth all the people I've met over the last 5 months who are living here. I'm not got to manage to see everyone but today I caught up with Bethany (from my Scotland tour) for lunch and some shopping (woohoo got a big winner jacket so I won't freeze when I get to America). Then I met Kirsten (from my Baltics/Eastern Europe tour) for coffee. And finished the day with dinner with Abs & Jonathan. I quite like the south of London, there is so much around, I didn't even have to go into the actual city today at all.

Friday 31st October
Happy Halloween! While there is a few things around for it, I thought that it would be a bigger deal here, especially seeing is getting so big at home now. Had another day of catch ups with a late brunch with Ashey (Croatia tour) and drinks/dinner with Barbara in the evening. In between I went to see London Tower now that the WWI poppy memorial is finished. There were soooooo many people though so could barely see it but it is very impressive what they've done. Then I just killed done time in the city and finally at least started my planning for America (even if it was just 2 nights accommodation so I have somewhere to go when I arrive).

Saturday 1st November
It is Abbey's birthday today so we got up and went for breakfast and then headed into the city to do something. Unfortunately we didn't organise anything but we had a good day around the city and ended up going on the Emirates Airline (a gondola across the Thames) and had afternoon tea at Attendant (a little cafe that is in an old public toilet that I went to with Bethany last time I was here). In the evening we met Abbey's sister and partner for her birthday dinner in the city.

Sunday 2nd November
Can't believe I'm actually going to America today, it was always so far away - the end of my trip - and now it's here! Sad to be leaving the normal/social aspect of London now that I know so many people here but ready for the last leg of my trip. It's a very long day of traveling though, have to leave 5hrs before my actual flight time, then 2 hrs to Zurich before a 9hr flight to New York (at least it's only a quick lay over in Switzerland).

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