Monday 26 May 2014

The European adventure begins

Monday 26 May - Barcelona
Spain has welcomed me with terrible weather, it was cold & raining when I arrived but cleared up after lunch to a beautiful afternoon. It's easy to tell I'm back in Europe, all of a sudden there are fountains & statues everywhere (bit of a change from my last 3 trips which have all been to Asia).

Bridge, you will be glad to hear that Topdeck's meeting hostel is much better in Spain than London (although that doesn't last for the whole trip from what im hearing).

Tuesday 27 May
Met a few people from my tour at the hostel & we headed to Park Guell. Tour officially started, we've got a group of 20, 17 of which are Australian (2 from Canada & 1 Kiwi). We did a driving tour of the city... had flashbacks being back on a Topdeck bus! We saw the Sagrada Familia (the massive cathedral that has been being built for over 150 years and they estimate it will be finished in another 20 years!)

Wednesday 28 May
Explored some more of Barcelona this morning (walked down La Rambla and went to the markets - amazing food, then headed down to the harbour).
And we're off, to Valencia today with a pit stop at the Cava Caves (Spanish champagne winery).
5 minutes after we left the winery our bus broke down! We had a great view while we waited for 2+ hours before our trip to the local mechanic. We'd missed lunch and dinner so it was a trip to the local Lida (Aldi) for a bus-worthy picnic. Random day but we made it to Valencia.

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