Friday 6 June 2014


Well Morocco was very interesting...

Tuesday 3rd - Wednesday 4th June
We had a great few days in Fes. Walking tour of the city including exploring the medina, visiting the tannery, a traditional pharmacy and of course some markets. We also visited the cities of Voulibis (ancient Roman ruins) and Meknez. Morocco has been great, very interesting and great food.

Thursday 5th June
Time to go back to Spain but not before seeing the REAL Morocco. We had been told that on the last tour a local kid had hidden underneath the bus to try and get into Spain... apparently this is a super common occurrence. We had 5 kids trying to sneak onto the bus at our pitstop an hour away from the port and that was just the beginning. Once we got a near the port we had at least 15 kids running and jumping onto the outside of the bus, just hanging on and tring to get underneath. It was unbelievable to witness the desperation of these kids. After numerous stops to try and get them off and the engine cutting out when they got into the undercarriage we made it to the port where they found 6 of the kids still on the bus.

Definitely one hell of an experience!

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