Sunday 29 June 2014


Oops, sorry guys, I wrote this update almost a week ago but never published it...

Ok, so I have been in France and doing my own travelling for less than a week and I am already over it. It's hard work and stressful to have to research,  book accommodation and travel every day or 2. Plus being Summer, it's not as easy booking things last minute. So, I managed to get on another couple of Topdeck tours in July... Croatia Sailing and a Greek Island Hopper. Everything I've heard is to avoid Greece in August and I couldn't possibly have heard more about Croatia recently, so thought I'd head down and check them out. I am excited to have a bit of a plan and at least a couple of weeks of someone else doing the planning for me.

Since my last update though I have actually seen a bit...

Thursday 19th June
I explored Toulouse... a nice city and easy to get around. I loved the big gardens in the city centre but was disappointed by the river front that is supposed to be where eveyone hangs out. Went to a small museum but other than that just had a nice relaxing day.

Friday 20th June
Off to Carcassonne, a small town that's been built around a medieval city of its own. Staying in a little hotel with my own room... what a novelty! Haha
The 'medieval cite' is pretty impressive, it has everything within the ramparts. I think it's become a little touristy though and it was extremely hot on top of the hill where it sits.

Saturday 21st June
By a crazy coincidence, Aunty Kaye and Uncle Rod are travelling through these parts as well so I met up with them for a coffee this morning. Was good to see some familiar faces and got some travel tips off them for the area.

Then it was back on the train to Montpellier. I had booked the train ticket at the same time as my Carcassonne plans but hadn't organised accommodation. That turned out to be the most stressful part yet with pretty much everything under €100/night booked out or way out of the city. I don't know how people travel and just turn up in a city with nothing sorted, especially on a budget! Anyway, I managed to get a hotel room and it ended up being a good thing because I have officially lost my battle with the sickness I've been fighting since the end of tour. Just a cold but glad to have my own room for a couple of days.

It ended up being a great night, so the stress of getting here was worth it. I went out to find somewhere for dinner and found roads closed and thousands of people wandering the streets. At first I thought there was just a concert on but it turned out to be Fête de la Musique. I remember them trying to start it in Brisbane a few years back when I was working in the city but this was completely different. I spent hours just following the crowds through the streets of pretty much the entire city, with different bands and performers singing/playing at every bar and on every corner. There were also a few massive stages set up in the main squares that were events in their own right. And while I was at it I found most of the city monuments so was doing my own walking tour while being thoroughly entertained. Eventually headed back to the hotel to find yet another entire area packed out... crazy!

Sunday 22nd June
Had a much needed sleep in this morning before heading out to see Montpellier by day. I had lunch by the river but feeling pretty miserable so just jumped on a tourist train (one of those little ride kind of ones) for a trip around the city. Got some history and info on most of the places I saw last night and had a quick walk through their main gardens but that was my limit for the day. Did see a cute little display of a band and all these couples dancing on my way though... not sure if it was spontaneous or planned but I have definitely been entertained in Montpellier!

Monday 23rd June
Had a late checkout from the hotel and then it was on to Avignon.
Am at a hostel again which is very basic but it was cheap so I have 3 nights here which will be nice. It is just outside the city along the river with amazing views of the main sights of Avignon so am in a perfect location for a couple of chilled days to kick this cold!

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