Tuesday 17 June 2014

Seville & Portugal

Friday 6th June
We made it back to Spain in one piece thankfully and got to Seville.
Seville is a beautiful city. We didn't actually do a lot here but enjoyed it anyway, it was actually my favourite place so far.

We saw a traditional Flamenco show on our last night... talk about impressive, they can seriously move!

Saturday 7th June
Hola Portugal! First stop, Lisbon. Another beautiful city, with so many monuments and things to see. They have the longest bridge in Europe (17kms), another bridge that matches the Golden Gate in San Francisco,  a replica of the Jesus in Rio De Janeiro, castles and much more. Plus they have Portuguese Tarts... YUM :)

The tour I'm on is actually a 2 in 1 set up, so the group has grown  by 15 in Lisbon (before we farewell 8 from the first half of the trip when we leave).

Sunday 8th June
A big day of exploring today. A group of us caught the metro, a ferry and a bus to get to see Jesus. It was very impressive, I can't even imagine seeing the Rio one. Absolutely amazing views over this gorgeous city which has become another favourite.

Back over the river and I am officially on holidays... I completely stacked it on the cobble stones. No idea what happened but I ended up with a grazed knee and toe (my knee swelled up nicely meaning a couple of days of a nice limp but all good now, just a graze and some bruising). Honestly I think I did pretty well to make it this far without an injury.

We explored some more of the city and made our way up to the main castle. Seriously, the views over this city are amazing... photos just don't capture it.

Monday 9th June
After farewelling some of our travel buddies and Lisbon we drove to a little town called Sintra. Sintra has the most amazing palace, something straight out of a fairytale! Again photos just can't capture it.

From there it was onto Porto. First stop was at a winery to taste some port and enjoy views of yet another breathtaking city. Very much loving the west coast/area of Spain/Portugal!

Tuesday 10th June
We were able to explore a lot of Porto (it's a lot smaller than our last few places) and it was absolutely gorgeous. As well as our normal walking tour we had a river cruise and then spent the afternoon exploring. It was National Portugal Day and while nothing specific was happening, it was a public holiday so all the locals were out and about which just gave an already beautiful city a lovely atmosphere.

We did another Port tasting and had some lunch by the river... OMG check out the photo - this is a traditional Porto meal (the best description I can give you is: a sandwhich of ham, chorizo and steak, covered in cheese, in a spicy tomato soup with a fried egg on top... ie cholesterol on a plate!)

I have heard a lot before that people love Spain but prefer Portugal and I can see why... it really is just beautiful!

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